Monday, July 11, 2016

We meet in a tavern!

Actually if you're going to meet me somewhere it will probably be in a diner (called "The Diner") down the road from me. At any rate, I'm starting a blog, mainly dealing with role playing games. My main games are several flavors of Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, GURPS, and Traveller.

You can find me on Reddit as CahokiaGreatGeneral, and Facebook as Michael Viviano. Say hi!
I live in Cahokia Illinois, a few miles south of St. Louis Mo, and a few miles souther of some old Indian mounds.

I'm currently stuck not working due to an ugly kidney disease that requires dialysis (-20 point disadvantage in GURPS per Bio-Tech pg. 132) so at least I get plenty of time to work on things (if I'm not playing Civ V).

I am currently running one homebrew campaign in Pathfinder, which I call the Arumelian Throne Campaign, and I'm working on a GURPS space opera campaign called Policenauts. I will get more into detail on both soon.

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